Saturday, November 04, 2006

Build me up buttercup

Look me in the eyes and not say a word
read me throughout,guarded as you stand
mesmeric as I surrender to your gaze
you sit down, unmoved and unsaid.

I light up a cigarette, you blow out the smoke
I pull out my hair,while yours you gently stroke
one moment I am a millionaire,the next leaves me broke
it's like being on the Everest and having a sun stroke.


MISSquoted** said...

ur perfect pefect guy ;-)
there is a pattern srayan ghosh...

'why do u build me up buttercup...
just to let me down...'


Sudhir Pai said...

i loved this one ...
one moment I am a millionaire,the next leaves me broke
it's like being on the Everest and having a sun stroke.
how do find such words to describing some chutiya katao??
mickey's influence??
well written

suraj sharma said...

definitely some talent here, I haven't seen a better (english) poet from india in a while, so i definitely appreciate what you write.

i like it because it isn't wannabe-ish.

Suraj. (a.k.a Inversepolarity)